That smell after rain is meant to attract you

Embargoed until: Publicly released:
Peer-reviewed: This work was reviewed and scrutinised by relevant independent experts.

Do you love that smell of the ground after it rains? That nice smell is from geosmin, a compound produced by a group of bacteria called Streptomyces, and according to Aussie researchers, bacteria produce this smell on purpose to attract animals to help spread the bacteria. Researchers used a network of field traps with Streptomyces as bait, and found that springtails – small, wingless bugs closely related to insects – were attracted to the bacteria. They also noted that as animals fed on the bacteria, the bacterial spores attached to their bodies and helped disperse them around the environment.

Journal/conference: Nature Microbiology

Link to research (DOI): 10.1038/s41564-020-0697-x

Organisation/s: Monash University

Funder: This work was funded by a PlantLink seed money grant to P.G.B. and K.F., BBSRC grants (nos. BB/H006125/1 and BB/I002197/1) to M.J. Buttner, BBSRC Institute Strategic Programme grants (nos. BB/J004561/1 and BB/P012523/1) to the John Innes Centre, grants from the Crafoord Foundation and support through the SLU Centre for Biological Control to P.G.B., and grants from the Swedish Research Council (grant nos. 2010-4463 and 2015-05452) to K.F. B.P.M. was supported by the New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human Capacities (ÚNKP-19-4) and the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Media release

From: Springer Nature

Ecology: Soil bacteria emit smells to attract animals

Distinct odours emitted from a group of soil bacteria attract animals to help spread the bacteria around their environment, according to a study published this week in Nature Microbiology

Bacteria make many volatile compounds that can be sensed by larger organisms, including humans.Streptomyces, a group of bacteria commonly present in soil, produce geosmin, an organic compound that has the distinct ‘earthy’ flavour and smell characteristic of soil after it rains. However, the reason why bacteria produce geosmin is unknown. 

Klas Flärdh and colleagues used a combination of field and laboratory experiments to examine whether the smell of Streptomyces might attract animals that live in the soil, particularly arthropods. Using a network of field traps with Streptomyces as bait, the authors found that springtails — small, wingless arthropods that are closely related to insects — were attracted to the bacteria. In laboratory experiments, the authors observed that springtails can directly sense geosmin with their antennae. They also noted that as the animals fed on the bacteria, bacterial spores adhered to the animals’ bodies. The springtails subsequently dispersed the spores around their environment both by their body surface and by defecation of ingested spores. 

The authors suggest that these observations demonstrate an ecological role for such bacterial-derived smells in attracting animals that then disperse the bacteria to the wider environment.


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