Tasmanian Devil. Credit: Menna Jones
Tasmanian Devil. Credit: Menna Jones

Tassie devils beating cancer by evolving rapidly

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At last, some good news for Tassie devils - the critters are rapidly evolving resistance to the aggressive cancer known as devil facial tumour disease, according to an Australian, US and UK team. The researchers looked at the genetic code of devils from a range of different sites before and after the disease affected them, and found two areas of the DNA that had changed after the disease had passed through. Five of the seven genes identified in these areas are known to be linked to cancer and the immune system in humans. The results suggest Tassie devils have evolved to resist the disease in just four to six generations, a remarkably rapid turnaround.

Journal/conference: Nature Communications

Organisation/s: Griffith University, Washington State University, USA

Funder: National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, USA.

Media Release

From: Griffith University

Tassie devils fight killer disease through evolution

Rapidly declining Tasmanian devils could save themselves from a lethal disease decimating their low populations, a new study has found.

Research involving Griffith University, published today in Nature Communications, suggests devils are swiftly evolving over a short period of time to resist devil facial tumour disease.

The infectious cancer has been killing wild Tasmanian devils for the past 20 years, with populations declining by at least 80 per cent. The disease kills most devils at sexual maturity and they now raise a single litter instead of three.

Following the extinction of the thylacine, the world’s largest marsupial predator, in the 1930s, researchers and managers are working hard to make sure the Tasmanian devil does not suffer the same fate.

Devils still persist in places where the disease appeared more than 20 years ago, despite models predicting that they should now be extinct.

Professor Hamish McCallum, of Griffith’s School of Environment and Environmental Futures Research Institute, says, “Models I published seven years ago predicted that these populations should now be extinct. I am very glad that I was wrong – it appears that the devils are saving themselves through evolution”.

Long-term research by study author Menna Jones, of the University of Tasmania, dates back to a tissue archive for devils in 1999, five years before research on devil facial tumour disease began.

The archive, built with samples from her research group and from the State Government’s Save the Tasmanian Devil Program, now represents one of the best resources globally for studying evolution of an emerging infectious disease in wildlife.

In an international collaborative effort, evolutionary geneticist Andrew Storfer at Washington State University and genomicist Paul Hohenlohe at the University of Idaho compared the frequency of genes in specific regions of pre-disease DNA samples to the frequency of genes in corresponding regions of DNA samples collected up to 8-16 years following DFTD emergence at three independent sites across Tasmania.

The rapid evolution occurred in as little as 4 to 8 generations of devils since the disease outbreak.

Researchers identified two small genomic regions in the DNA samples from all three sites that have changed significantly in response to the strong selection imposed by the disease. Five of seven genes in the two regions were related to cancer or immune function in other mammals, suggesting that Tasmanian devils are indeed evolving resistance to DFTD.

“The results are surprising because rapid evolution requires pre-existing genetic variation and Tasmanian devils have low levels of genetic diversity,” says Hamish McCallum.

“While the research suggests that devils in the wild may save themselves through evolution, it is essential to develop management strategies that assist them to do so.

“Cancer usually arises and dies with its host but in only two known cases in vertebrates - canine transmissible venereal cancer in dogs and DFTD - cancers have taken an extraordinary evolutionary step to become transmissible.

“They spread not just within their host but to other animals, effectively becoming immortal. DFTD presents a unique research opportunity to study the early stages of the evolution of a new disease and transmissible cancer with its animal host.

“This is a bizarre cancer in a unique Australian marsupial, but the disease and the way that the Tasmanian devils respond can provide new general insights into cancer biology” Professor McCallum said.


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Expert Reaction

These comments have been collated by the Science Media Centre to provide a variety of expert perspectives on this issue. Feel free to use these quotes in your stories. Views expressed are the personal opinions of the experts named. They do not represent the views of the SMC or any other organisation unless specifically stated.

Professor Hamish McCallum is from the School of Environment and Science at Griffith University. His core area of research interest is in disease ecology, with a particular interest in infectious diseases in free ranging wildlife populations.

Hamish is an author of the study.

I produced models predicting that devils should be extinct now in some populations. I'm very glad I was wrong. It seems the devils are evolving and this is what's stopped extinction.

"The results are surprising because rapid evolution requires pre-existing genetic variation and Tasmanian devils have low levels of genetic diversity.

“While the research suggests that devils in the wild may save themselves through evolution, it is essential to develop management strategies that assist them to do so.

Last updated: 06 Jul 2020 4:16pm
Declared conflicts of interest:
None declared.
Professor Greg Woods is a Professor of immunology at the University of Tasmania and a Principal Research Fellow at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research.

This research provides support for vaccine research as devils appear to respond to the tumours. This will require functional data to confirm.

Last updated: 03 Nov 2016 3:49pm
Dr Menna Jones is a Senior Research Fellow in the School of Zoology at the University of Tasmania. Meena is an author of the study.

Cancer is a disease that arises and dies with its host. In only two known cases in vertebrates (Canine Transmissible Venereal Cancer in dogs and in Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD)), cancers have taken an extraordinary evolutionary step to become transmissible.

Evolution is often thought of as a slow process, occurring over geological time. But novel infectious diseases impose strong selection pressure on their hosts, leading to rapid evolution of resistance or tolerance.

Devil populations have declined by at least 80 per cent, with local declines more than 90 per cent within six years of local disease outbreak.

We identified two small genomic regions in the DNA samples from all three sites that have changed significantly in response to the strong selection imposed by the disease. Five of seven genes in the two regions were related to cancer or immune function in other mammals, suggesting that Tasmanian devils are indeed evolving resistance to DFTD.

The evolution that we are observing in the devil is happening rapidly, in as little as four generations since local disease outbreak.

Devils are persisting at our long-term sites, and immunological changes are linked to infection status, despite epidemiological models that predicted extinction. Our new genetic results might explain why.

The Tasmanian devil is too important to lose. The cascading effects of the loss of Tasmania’s top predator on the rest of the ecosystem could lead to loss of further species. Already, feral cats have increased activity with declines in small native mammals on which they prey.

Our results suggest that devils in the wild may save themselves though evolution. However, it is essential to develop management strategies that assist them to do so. For example, releasing fully susceptible genotypes into populations where resistance is developing is likely to be counterproductive.

Last updated: 03 Nov 2016 3:50pm

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