Eric Ward/Unsplash
Eric Ward/Unsplash

Our love of dogs has lasted thousands of years

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Peer-reviewed: This work was reviewed and scrutinised by relevant independent experts.

New research suggests dogs and humans have been living and working together for over 10,000 years. An international team of scientists analysed the genomes of 27 ancient dog species, finding at least five major dog lineages had diversified and spread worldwide by 11,000 years ago. When put side-by-side with human genome data, the authors conclude the spread of dogs around the world is likely linked to human migration, suggesting canines and humans have been living together for centuries.

Journal/conference: Science

Link to research (DOI): 10.1126/science.aba9572

Organisation/s: Francis Crick Institute, UK

Funder: Ancient genome sequencing was supported by SciLifeLab National Projects and the Erik Philip Sörensen Foundation (to P.S.). A.B., T.D., and P.S. were supported by the Francis Crick Institute core funding (FC001595) from Cancer Research UK, the UK Medical Research Council, and the Wellcome Trust. P.S. was also supported by the European Research Council (grant no. 852558), a Wellcome Trust Investigator award (217223/Z/19/Z) and the Vallee Foundation. R.J.L. was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (#SSHRC IG 435-2014-0075). Y.K. was supported by State Assignment of the Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy. M.S. was supported by ZIN RAS (state assignment no. AAA-A19- 119032590102-7). A.T.L. was supported by the Smithsonian’s Peter Buck Postdoctoral Fellowship. Archaeological work in Serbia was supported by AHRC grant AH/J001406/1. Computations were supported by SNIC-UPPMAX (b2016004) and the UOXF ARC facility. L.F. was supported by the Wellcome Trust (grant 210119/ Z/18/Z) and by Wolfson College (University of Oxford). G.L. was supported by the ERC (grant ERC-2013-StG-337574-UNDEAD). G.L. and K.D. were supported by the Natural Environmental Research Council (grants NE/K005243/1 and NE/K003259/1). Dating was supported by the NERC Radiocarbon Facility (NF/2016/ 2/4).

Media release

From: AAAS

Newly sequenced whole genomes of ancient dogs reveal a complicated genetic legacy that reflects a long, shared history with humans spanning more than 11,000 years into the past.

“The dog is the oldest domesticated animal and has a very long relationship with humans. Therefore, understanding the history of dogs teaches us not just about their history, but also about our history,” says lead author, Anders Bergström, in an accompanying video.

While the antiquity of the inextricable bond between dogs and humans is well recognized, its origin – where and when it began – remains shrouded in history. To date, few whole dog and whole wolf genomes have been available for analysis. As a result, very little is known about the population history of prehistoric dogs and how it relates to humans.

Here, Bergström and colleagues greatly expand upon the number of ancient dog genomes and present 27 new whole-genome sequences up to 11,000 years old, from across Eurasia. Analyzing these new data alongside other ancient and modern dog genomes, the authors found that all dogs share a common ancestry distinct from present-day wolves, with limited gene flow from wolves since domestication but substantial dog-to-wolf gene flow.

While the precise timing and location of domestication remain elusive, the results indicate that at least five major dog lineages had already diversified and spread worldwide by 11,000 years ago, suggesting a considerable genetic history during the Paleolithic. Bergström et al. also compared the ancient dog genomes with commensurable ancient human genome-wide data, revealing aspects of dog population history that likely reflect their migration alongside human groups, as well as instances where population histories do not align.

Together, the findings underscore dogs’ complex common history with humans. Pavios Pavlidis and Mehmet Somel discuss the study further in a related Perspective.

Of note to reporters focused on trends, this study builds on recent related work published at Science. In 2016, for example, a study by L.A. Frantz and colleagues revealed a deep split between dogs from Western Eurasia and East Asia. In 2018, a study by M. Ni Leathhlobhair showed the first dogs of North America arrived alongside humans and were not domesticated from North American wolves, but rather, from an ancient breed of Siberian sled dog.


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