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Fossil footprints reveal human ancestor with fancy footwork

Embargoed until: Publicly released:
Peer-reviewed: This work was reviewed and scrutinised by relevant independent experts.

A re-analysis of fossil footprints from northern Tanzania has revealed that an ancestor to modern humans may have been walking on two legs around 3.6 million years ago, with a strange cross-stepping gait. The team re-excavated a series of footprints from the 1970's which had been identified as either the footprints of a bear walking on its hind legs or some kind of hominin (the ancestor to modern humans and chimpanzees). The footprints were placed in such a way that the creature must have been placing each foot past the body's midline to touch down in front of the other foot.

Journal/conference: Nature

Link to research (DOI): 10.1038/s41586-021-04187-7

Organisation/s: Ohio University Heritage College of Medicine, USA

Funder: Funding for this research was provided by the National Geographic (8748-10), Leakey Foundation (71483-001), National Science Foundation (BCS-1128170, DGE-080163, BCE-1730822, GRFP (No. 1840344), the Smithsonian Institution’s Human Origins Program, the Evolving Earth Foundation, the Explorers Club, and the Claire Garber Goodman Fund-Dartmouth College.

Media release

From: Springer Nature

Palaeontology: Ancient footprints linked to an unknown hominin (N&V)

A reanalysis of fossil footprints from Laetoli in northern Tanzania suggests that more than one hominin species was walking on two legs around 3.6 million years ago. One set of prints had previously been attributed to early relatives of modern humans, but research in this week’s Nature suggests that another set of tracks belongs to an unidentified hominin. The findings offer new insights into the origins of bipedalism.

In the 1970s, five consecutive footprints discovered at the Laetoli site provided the earliest definitive evidence of bipedalism in hominins. These prints were proposed to have been made by Australopithecus afarensis — the same species as the famous ‘Lucy’ skeleton. Other footprints, discovered at the same time and subsequently covered over, prompted debate. Some thought they were made by a bear walking on hind legs; others that they were left by a different kind of hominin.

In 2019, Ellison McNutt and colleagues re-excavated these unusually shaped footprints. The team compared them with prints made by bears, chimpanzees and humans, and found that they were more similar to those made by hominins than by bears. Video analyses of wild American black bear behaviour reveals that the animal hardly ever walks on its hind legs. The authors also note that, although thousands of animal fossils have been found at Laetoli, none are from bears. They conclude that the prints were left by an as-yet-unidentified hominin that walked with an unusual cross-stepping gait. Each foot crosses over the body’s midline to touch down in front of the other foot.

These findings are part of a growing body of evidence that hints at an underappreciated diversity of hominins from this time period.


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