Darko Djurin
Darko Djurin

You can stop the hiccups with this special straw

Embargoed until: Publicly released:
Peer-reviewed: This work was reviewed and scrutinised by relevant independent experts.

Experimental study: At least one thing in the experiment was changed to see if it had an impact on the subjects (often people or animals) – eg: changing the amount of time mice spend on an exercise wheel to find out what impact it has on weight loss.

Survey: A study based solely on people’s responses to a series of questions.

People: This is a study based on research using people.

A specialised drinking tube aimed at stopping hiccups does the job better than popular home strategies, according to international research. The FISST is a drinking tube with a pressure valve that requires forceful suction to drink through, contracting the diaphragm and closing the epiglottis at the back of the throat in a way that can stop hiccups. 203 people participated in a trial of the device as part of a Kickstarter campaign. Of that group, about nine in ten rated the device as significantly better for stopping hiccups than traditional home remedies like holding their breath or drinking water from the far side of a glass.

Journal/conference: JAMA Network Open

Link to research (DOI): 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.13933

Organisation/s: University of Texas Health Science Center, USA

Funder: Aim Dynamics, Inc (the FISST sponsor and licensee) obtained the funding from the participants for the cost of the device through a Kickstarter campaign.


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