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EXPERT REACTION: Most new Type 2 diabetes cases attributable to 'suboptimal diet'

Embargoed until: Publicly released:
Peer-reviewed: This work was reviewed and scrutinised by relevant independent experts.

Simulation/modelling: This type of study uses a computer simulation or mathematical model to predict an outcome. The original values put into the model may have come from real-world measurements (eg: past spread of a disease used to model its future spread).

Overseas researchers looked at diet factors from 184 countries, ranging from not eating enough whole grains, fruit, and vegetables, to consuming too much processed meat, refined grains, and sugary drinks. They estimate that a "suboptimal diet" was attributable to 14.1 million new cases of Type 2 diabetes in 2018 - about seven out of 10 of cases globally. In an accompanying editorial, two New Zealand researchers say that most governments have taken a “soft approach” based on education and information, but that actually “large-scale government action” is required to ensure the availability and accessibility of foods that help prevent diabetes, and to limit the foods that are catalysing the global trend.

Journal/conference: Nature Medicine

Link to research (DOI): 10.1038/s41591-023-02278-8

Organisation/s: Healthier Lives National Science Challenge, Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research, See research paper for full list of author affiliations.

Funder: Research: This research was supported by the Bill and Melina Gates Foundation (grant OPP1176682 to D. Mozaffarian). See paper for full list of competing interests. Editorial: Heart Foundation of New Zealand; Healthier Lives National Science Challenge. The authors declare no competing interests.

Media release

From: Healthier Lives National Science Challenge

Three new publications in top international journals demonstrate the potential of changing what we eat to prevent and treat type 2 diabetes, prompting calls for urgent government action.

Type 2 diabetes is a serious but largely preventable disease, and there is now good evidence to show how it can be prevented.  A study including data from 184 countries, just published in the prestigious international journal Nature Medicine, found that seven out of every ten cases of type 2 diabetes are attributable to a small list of dietary factors. These same dietary factors are also associated with some cancers and coronary heart disease.

New Zealand scientists at the forefront of diabetes research, Dr Andrew Reynolds and Professor Jim Mann from the University of Otago-based Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research Centre and the Healthier Lives National Science Challenge, were invited to write a commentary on this study, which has been published alongside the Nature Medicine article.

“This study shows that eating plenty of whole grains, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, having refined grains (white bread, white pasta and white rice), red and processed meats (like salami and bacon), or fruit juices is associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes,” says Dr Reynolds.

The number of people with type 2 diabetes has escalated globally and is considered to have reached pandemic proportions.  There are estimated to be 483 million people worldwide living with type 2 diabetes. A recent report reveals a “rapidly escalating” diabetes crisis in the UK, and around a quarter of a million New Zealanders now have type 2 diabetes.

Education and individual actions alone are not sufficient to tackle the type 2 diabetes pandemic, which is currently costing NZ taxpayers more than $2 billion per year according to a 2021 PwC report commissioned by the researchers and their partner organisations.

“An all-of-government approach is needed to stem the tide of the diabetes pandemic.  There is evidence from a number of countries to show that government-led initiatives for the benefit of the whole population can help to achieve dietary change,“ says Professor Mann.

“Improving the ‘food environments’ we encounter on a daily basis – such as in schools, workplaces and other public spaces – could help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and also prevent heart disease and several types of cancer.”

Research shows that the foods that protect against type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer also produce less greenhouse gas emissions, as they have a lower environmental impact.

“Climate change is a big focus for Aotearoa New Zealand right now, and many of the dietary changes that help prevent type 2 diabetes are actually good for the environment too.  So we could tackle these two major issues at the same time,” says Dr Reynolds.

Reynolds and Mann have also made a significant contribution to newly updated European Guidelines for the management of type 2 diabetes, published today in the international journal Diabetologia.

“These updated guidelines endorse the importance of dietary fibre (such as from vegetables and fruit) and carbohydrate quality (choosing wholegrains) in the management of people with diabetes and, for the first time, includes the potential of dietary measures aimed at appreciable weight loss to achieve remission of type 2 diabetes,” says Dr Reynolds.

Professor Jim Mann stresses that creating a sustainable and health-promoting food environment to prevent type 2 diabetes requires a strategy and large-scale government action.

“Developing a national food strategy would help us tackle several big problems that are inter-connected – food security in these times of global uncertainty, greenhouse gas emissions caused by food production, and food environments that are compromising the health of New Zealanders,” says Professor Mann.

“We are calling for a Ministerial Taskforce to develop a national food strategy, and to consider the implementation of measures needed to prevent type 2 diabetes. New Zealand is falling behind other countries in addressing these issues and we risk overwhelming our already stretched health system (due to the multiple medical complications of type 2 diabetes) if we don’t instigate these measures soon.”

“While food industry self-regulation and reformulation has a role to play, the ultimate goal of these companies is to make a profit.  It is imperative that the NZ government protects New Zealanders from the effects of harmful foods, much like the measures it puts in place to help protect the population from the harm caused by tobacco and alcohol. Preserving the future capacity of our health system depends on this,” says Professor Mann.

Another urgent initiative is to increase the number of dietitians being trained in Aotearoa New Zealand, says Professor Mann, and to increase funded places for dietitians in the health system.

“For New Zealanders already diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, or who are found to have prediabetes through screening programmes, it is essential to have appropriately trained health professionals to prescribe medical nutrition therapy. The current number of dietitians in NZ is totally inadequate for this purpose.”

Expert Reaction

These comments have been collated by the Science Media Centre to provide a variety of expert perspectives on this issue. Feel free to use these quotes in your stories. Views expressed are the personal opinions of the experts named. They do not represent the views of the SMC or any other organisation unless specifically stated.

Associate Professor (Nutrition and Māori Health) Lisa Te Morenga, Research Centre for Hauora and Health, Massey University and Co-Chair of Health Coalition Aotearoa, comments:

Seventy percent of new cases of type 2 diabetes could be attributed to a sub-optimal diet; that is a diet low in dietary fibre from wholegrains, fruit, vegetables, nuts and seed and instead- full of those white carbohydrates (refined grains, rice and potatoes), meat in all its forms, and sugary drinks. This is unlikely to be breaking news to most people. After all, nutritionists, dietitians and public health experts have arguing for decades for more attention to be given to promoting healthier diets to prevent diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancers. However, the extent to which poor diet is driving the global diabetes epidemic is shocking, even to me.

Supporting people to eat more health-protecting and less health-harming foods is complicated, as the article by O’Hearn and many, many colleagues demonstrates. For example in high income countries like New Zealand, wealth and education level is associated with overall healthier diets whereas in emerging economies the opposite is true. In high income countries we have seen a trend towards reducing impact of sugary drinks but increasing impact of processed meats, whereas in the lowest income regions the impact of sugary drinks has increased.

What and how we eat in Aotearoa New Zealand will have major impacts on our economy heading into the future. We face a huge burden of healthcare costs due to increasing incidence of diabetes, cancers and metabolic disorders directly attributable to unhealthy diets. Our eating guidelines pretty much say the right things and have done so for decades, with small tweaks and changes in emphasis along the way, but our diets aren’t getting any better. Why? We have relied too much on providing a little information here and there and then leaving it up to consumers to make informed choices, which, to be fair, they have done. It’s just that the evidence-based healthy eating information has been entirely swamped by conflicting messages promulgated by the food industry to eat more unhealthy foods and drinks, more often.

Our government needs to accept that we can’t have a profitable junk-food sector and a population in optimal health at the same time. It’s time to stop enabling an unhealthy food system. We need strong public policy limiting the marketing of unhealthy foods particularly to our children and healthy food policies in all public institutions (especially schools).

Eating healthily is increasingly challenging for whānau. The cost of healthy foods is spiralling. A recent survey commissioned by Health Coalition Aotearoa found that 83% of those surveyed rated the affordability of healthy food as the number one issue facing Aotearoa New Zealand. If we want people to eat healthier food, we urgently need to address the high cost of this food. The government should prioritise work on developing a package of fiscal levers to reduce the cost of healthy food. For example, this could include reductions in taxes on healthy foods subsidised by levies on sugary drinks and unhealthy foods. They should be brave with tougher regulations on the practices of our supermarket duopoly. And they need to explore mechanisms to prevent the cost of domestic food supplies being dictated by export prices.

While these things are complex and will take time, the Government could take a simple but effective action to improve diets right now. Health Coalition Aotearoa is calling on the government to expand the Ka Ora Ka Ako Healthy School Lunch programme to reach at least 50% of all school children, up from 25%. Providing children with a healthy meal every school day provides an opportunity to normalise and educate kids about healthy foods, displaces cheap, highly refined and processed foods from their lunchboxes, and provides financial relief to parents leaving more money in the weekly food budget, which could be spent on wholegrains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Last updated: 18 Apr 2023 5:40am
Declared conflicts of interest:
No conflicts of interest.
Dr Rawiri Keenan (Te Atiawa/Taranaki), Adjunct Senior Fellow, Medical Research Centre, Te Huataki, University of Waikato; Senior Research Fellow, Dept of Primary Care and General Practice, University of Otago Wellington, comments:

This is an interesting study, yet again confirming the link between diet and diabetes. The authors do try and look at the socioeconomic effects, but as this is by country, the averages no doubt hide the true risk and effect of socioeconomic disparity.

Overall, like the authors of the paper and the editorial, I agree we need to see more action by politicians and health officials. Hopefully, yet another paper and report will push them to take action on the availability and pricing of certain foods over others, etc. 

However, for me there is a glaring gap in the analysis and commentary. Many if not all of the regions they mention with higher rates of type 2 diabetes i.e., Colombia and Caribbean, like Aotearoa, suffer from the historical and ongoing effects of colonisation. Its effects on resources and wealth distribution, especially access to land for food security, etc. But also the loss of language and culture, and with it, traditional foods that were the opposite of what causes the issues here i.e., they were unrefined and not processed/packaged.

So any efforts to address a paper such as this needs to consider these things because the narrative can quickly turn to individuals' diet choices, but for many, those choices have been taken away. We need to ensure any discussion and action on the dietary causes of type 2 diabetes maintains a public health population focus and not an individual responsibility one.

Last updated: 18 Apr 2023 5:37am
Declared conflicts of interest:
Conflict of interest statement: "I am a team member for projects with Victoria University of Wellington and University of Otago funded by the Ministry of Health evaluating the Covid vaccine roll-out. I am a Locum GP; Member of Te Rōpū Whakakaupapa Uruta; Member of Te Aho o te Kahu Clinical Assembly and Member of Health Quality and Safety Commission Patient Experience of Care Governance Group."

Elaine Rush, Professor Emeritus, Auckland University of Technology, comments:

We know that a diverse variety of wholesome foods in sensible quantities every day is the best way to lifetime health. This latest study of data from 184 countries estimates that seven out of ten new cases of type 2 diabetes can be attributed to diets that have not enough wholegrains, vegetables and too much white rice, white flour and processed meat.

Diabetes is not a silent killer, it is associated with malfunction of every organ in the body and puts a huge burden on health systems. We know that people on low incomes are more likely to suffer and die from diet-related diseases; diabetes is just one example.

In New Zealand one out of ten pregnant women has gestational diabetes which means the woman and her child are more likely to have diabetes in later life. Action today will have benefits far into the future. As Reynolds and Mann point out the food environment needs radical change and rethinking. Sustainable food based dietary guidelines need to be supported by integrated and overarching policies and practices – from the farm and sea to the fork. A whole-of-society and food system response is required as we are all responsible and everybody eats.

New Zealand’s food exports are largely red meat and butter and paradoxically we import huge quantities of white rice, white flour and sugar…cheaper 'food' but in the long run taking years from life and life from years.

Last updated: 17 Apr 2023 1:11pm
Declared conflicts of interest:
No conflicts of interest.

Pippa McKelvie-Sebileau, Doctoral candidate, School of Population Health, University of Auckland, comments:

Designed for profit not health, our current food systems are inundated with ultra-processed, low in nutritional value, well-marketed and appealing products.

O’Hearn et al.’s global study provides robust evidence on how our long-term health is suffering as a result of this. In their editorial, Reynolds and Mann highlight the way food systems are influenced by government policy and the potential for good policy to have a health-protecting effect.

The school food system in Aotearoa New Zealand is a great example of how children can be protected from immediate and long-term harm through better nutrition. Since 2020 around 200,000 students in 1000 schools receive a free and healthy school lunch through the Ka Ora, Ka Ako programme. Positive effects on food security, student wellbeing and family financial hardship have been demonstrated.

However, there are still many kids missing out as they attend schools that are ineligible for the programme, and generally, their diets are poor. Our research has shown around 90% of students in Hawke's Bay were not eating enough vegetables to have a health-promoting and -protecting effect.

School food environments have the potential to equitably reverse this trend. Based on feedback last year from parents, teachers and public health physicians, the government has committed to considering whether only healthy drinks should be sold in both primary and secondary schools, and whether guidelines should also apply to food. This is a step in the right direction but with the outcome not announced until the end of the year we need faster action to ensure children’s rights are maintained to have their long-term wellbeing protected, especially in light of O'Hearn et al.'s findings.

With the cost of living crisis and rising food costs due to failing global food systems, we urgently need a national food security and sovereignty plan and to allow more children to benefit from good food that protects long-term health outcomes through the extension of the Ka Ora, Ka Ako programme to more schools.

Last updated: 17 Apr 2023 10:06am
Declared conflicts of interest:
No conflicts of interest
Dr Rajshri Roy, Senior Lecturer, Registered Dietitian, University of Auckland, comments:

As a public health dietitian, I have some specific recommendations for the New Zealand Government to help curb the trend of Type 2 diabetes, particularly the suboptimal diet of insufficient whole grains, excess refined rice and wheat, and excess processed meat.

The New Zealand government could develop and implement a national healthy eating strategy with health professionals, food industry stakeholders and community organisations. This comprehensive strategy needs to include policies that promote access to healthy foods and reduce the availability of unhealthy foods.

The government could also consider implementing a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, which have been linked to an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes. The revenue generated could be used to fund diabetes prevention and management programs.

Additional funding could be allocated to support community-based nutrition education programs that provide practical advice on how to adopt healthier eating habits. Also funding for programs that support low-income families to access healthy foods, such as subsidies for fresh fruits and vegetables and increased funding for food banks could also be an effective strategy.

Government action needs to take a multi-faceted approach that combines policy changes, education programs, and support for individuals with diabetes.

Last updated: 17 Apr 2023 11:07am
Declared conflicts of interest:
No conflict of interest.

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