Image by Victor Ramos from Pixabay
Image by Victor Ramos from Pixabay

Are pregnant women with COVID-19 passing it on to bubs?

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Pregnant women with COVID-19 may be passing the virus to their babies, according to Chinese research. The scientists studied 33 babies whose mothers had COVID-19 when they were born. Of those children, three tested positive for the virus after birth. The researchers suggest the babies are likely to have contracted the disease from their mothers, because strict infection control and prevention procedures were followed during delivery. However, the team note that samples of amniotic fluid, cord blood and breast milk were all negative for coronavirus, and two other recent studies have found no evidence of COVID-19 being passed from mother to child in this way.

Journal/conference: JAMA Pediatrics

Link to research (DOI): 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.0878

Organisation/s: Wuhan Children's Hospital, China

Funder: N/A


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