Professor Oliver Jones

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Professor (Biosciences and Food Technology Discipline)
RMIT University
Melbourne, VIC, Australia


Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry, Metabolomics, NMR, Water Pollution, University management,


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Previous media experience

Oliver is skilled at providing informed, evidence-based context and explain complex science to a mainstream audience through the media. He has featured widely in TV, radio and newspapers, commenting on topics such as chemicals in the environment, forensic science, plastic-eating enzymes, and everything in-between. He does this through working with the UK and Australian Science Media Centres and the University Communications team. Oliver was the RMIT University Media Star of the year in 2019, the RMIT SEH College Media Star of the Year in 2015 and an RMIT Media Stars Top Performer in 2014 and 2018.

Oliver is also very active on social media. You can find him on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok as @dr_oli_jones


Oliver is a full professor of analytical chemistry at RMIT University in Melbourne. Originally from the UK, Oliver moved to Australia in 2012 to get a “few years’ experience working abroad”. Twelve years later he is still here and focussed on developing new ways to measure the chemical makeup of the things around us.

Oliver obtained his PhD from Imperial College London in 2005 and carried out postdoctoral work at Cambridge University from 2005 to 2009. In 2009 he was appointed to a lectureship at the University of Durham. He moved to RMIT in 2012 where he and his group have a strong interest in environmental pollution and its effects on organisms and human health.

Oliver is also very keen to communicate science to the public. He has featured widely in TV, radio and newspapers and can be found on Twitter, Instagram, Mastodon, Threads and TikTok as @dr_oli_jones

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Last updated: 03 Apr 2024